Board Meeting Minutes April 2022



APRIL 11, 2022

President Dave Terry called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

President Terry began the meeting with a short prayer.


Present: Dave Terry, Ken Leonard, Dawn Hassel, Dale Messier, Jim Quirk, and Terry Winters. Absent: Jerry Johnson

SECRETARY REPORT Secretary Dawn Hassel read the minutes of the March 14, 2022 meeting. Report accepted as read by Terry Winters and seconded by Jim Quirk. Motion carried. Minutes posted on the board in the clubhouse.

TREASURERS REPORT Treasurer Judy Dennis read the treasurer report for March 2022. Board members were provided copies of the report. Report will be posted on the board in the clubhouse after the meeting. Report accepted as read by Ken Leonard and seconded by Dale Messier. Motion carried.

ACTIVITY DIRECTOR REPORT Activity Director Judy Fay reported that the Poker run and meal afterwards were a success. She thanked all who helped and participated. The Farewell dinner was a big success. She announced planned activities for the next season and will post the schedule soon.

ACTIVITY TREASURER REPORT Activity Treasurer Kathy Messier gave the report on the finances of the activity fund. Report was given to all board members. Report accepted as read by Dale Messier and seconded by Ken Leonard. Motion carried.

OLD BUSINESS Dave Terry said the hedges in the compound area were supposed to be taken out this week. Several people said the workers were there cutting them already.

NEW BUSINESS Dave received a memo from a resident who complained that the phone directory was not up to date. Dawn Hassel explained that the directory pages are up to date and contain all the pertinent information. She also said that when Bill Mingus welcomes newcomers on the website, he only gives their name and address as residents have specifically requested no telephone numbers or email address be posted since it is not a private site. Dawn stated that instead of putting up samples (too many were removed) she will now write the name of the new member and residents can look in the box for a copy to put into their phone books.

Dave Terry thanked the members of the audit committee: Jean Blanton, Mike Frank and Ron Edmonds.

MOTION TO ADJOURN Motion to adjourn made by Dave Terry and seconded by Dale Messier. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Dawn Hassel, Secretary